Will your research help find more about healing other parts of the body?
by ezlumo0
to Yashar .
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do u think doctor who is the best sci fiction show ever!!!
by coconuts
to Yashar .
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Why does your cornea melt if you have too many white blood cells and what you can do to prevent haveing too many white
by blissy
to Yashar .
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What do you think is the most catastrophic infection/inflamation to the eye
by godzilla and 2 others.
to Yashar .
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I’ve been wanting to know the appropriet answer for this question, it has bugged me for years. “how much wood can a
by pen15
to Yashar .
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What is inflamation and how does it effect our eyes?
by cornchip
to Yashar .
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If someone dies and their eyes are out into someone else’s body will they work properly
by mharris13
to Yashar .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
Is it possible to create an exact replica (or something very similar) of a White Blood Cell?
by emmalina
to Yashar .
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do the guts keep moving after being removed as they have there own mini brain and nervous system
by matthew1
to Mel .
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How is the digestive system actually controlled by the nervous system?
by lilwayne
to Mel .
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How is it possible for twins to feel the same effect as each other when they are not together
by lolapopoola
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Do some mice reproduce at different rates then other mice?
by jboeg2
to Hannah .
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If a pregnant women has breast cancer is it a danger for the child if she is breast feeding?
by emmalina
to Hannah .
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Why do you choose mice to experiment on?
by sparkle
to Hannah .
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What have you done as a scientist that has changed or affected the lives of others in a significant way?
by hollsbarkley and 3 others.
to Yashar, Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel .
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iv heard fishes cant survive in distilled water, is it because there is no oxygen?
by coconuts
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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How many mice are in your lab?
by scotad
to Hannah .
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If you weren’t able to work in your line of science, would you still work in science or would you work somewhere else?
by alex and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Why do you say the digestive system is controlled by a ‘the mini-brain’
by sparkle
to Mel .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
is it true that we know more about space around us than our own ocean?
by coconuts
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
We’ve heard many stories about split character, how many characters can humans actually split into?
by aznrawsum
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Why does the digestive system take so long to break down? (In depth)
by bennymoff2012
to Mel .
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Do mice have consciousness and do they “think” like us humans do
by nobody
to Emma .
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What is your favourite primary area of the brain?
by godzilla
to Emma .
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hi how does food go through peoples digestive system
by harry1 and 1 other.
to Mel .
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How do star fish live and move with out a brain?
-This might be connected to your research?
Thanks Jack
by jjparker
to Mel .
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Could you please explain what this ‘mini-brain’ is exactly and how it controls the gut?
by rangachick and 2 others.
to Mel .
Comments: (so far, 4 comments)
Is there a possibility that schizophrenia can be cured or make people less affected by it?
by mharris13
to Emma .
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How do we know which part of the brain is responsible for the things the body does
by asimmon1 and 1 other.
to Emma, Carina, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Do you think that humans will ever find a way to communicate with mice?
by alexander5
to Emma, Mel .
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what types of art would be dislayed at your brain art exibition ?
by sparkle and 1 other.
to Emma .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
what are the causes of an hambridge on the brain
by sarahazzopardi98
to Emma .
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Why are you looking for clues about Vitamin D? How does it contribute to scientiffic descoveries?
by datchihuahua22
to Carina .
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Do you name the mice? If so, What are some of the names?
by jelly
to Emma .
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Why do you describe guts as wriggling?
by datchihuahua22 and 1 other.
to Mel, Carina, Emma, Hannah, Yashar .
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What was/is the purpose of the appendix?
by jacobhunt
to Mel .
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Do you use dead peoples eyes to help reasearch
by datchihuahua22
to Yashar .
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What is the most interesting thing you found about white blood cells in your eye work?
by toffee
to Yashar .
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How exactly do dreams work, how do they take infromation from reality and then warp it?
by zeekybom10
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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The brain controls all the functions of the body. does the size of the brain affect how well it does this?
by asimmon1 and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Would it be possible for scientist’s to create a exact biological copy of white blood cells?
by johnfowla
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What is the funnest place that your work has taken you?
by patrickobrien and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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How will polution affect species reproduction?
by johnfowla
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Do you like Chicken?
by lagii
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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is it possible to spot signs of autism before birth
by matthew1
to Emma .
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If you’re a neuroscientist, does that mean you use the X-Ray and other electrical equipment?
by datchihuahua22
to Emma .
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Do you know how fast electrical signals in the mouse brain go?
by marcel
to Emma .
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Do you enjoy working with mice? Have you ever accidently set any mice free
by alex and 1 other.
to Emma, Hannah .
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why do you reward the mice with strawberry milkshakes?
by sparkle
to Emma .
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How would the gut you video’d still wiggle if the animal was dead?
by jjbear and 1 other.
to Mel .
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