What is the most common cancer?
by 123becca
to Hannah .
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If you got to be a mouse for a day, what would you do? :-)
by billyhogarth7
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What are the three countries you’ve lived in and why did you go live there?
by jboeg2
to Hannah .
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What things can effect a women a woman’s fertility?
by 123becca and 1 other.
to Hannah, Carina, Emma, Mel, Yashar .
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Why are some babies born prematurely?
by jackie
to Hannah .
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What is the difference between identical and non-identical twins?
by katnissmar
to Hannah .
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if i was fully imunised as a child is their any chance that i will suffer at an older age from these injections
by purpleflyingmonkey
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What are the effects of cholesterol?
by 123becca
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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what do you believe the hardest field of science is?
by johnfowla
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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how often do you test deadly experiments on human subjects?
by zeekybom10
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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do u have a phd, if so what did u have too do to get it?
by coolbro and 2 others.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Why is it do hard to find a cure to cancer?
by tizzy and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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I recently saw a tv program about how we can transplant human hearts with pig hearts, is it possible to save your
by rpullar
to Yashar, Mel, Hannah, Emma, Carina .
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can you post a photo of the chimera you have in your lab? But is there anychance to actually make a horse with a corn
by aznrawsum
to Hannah .
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who wants to win the most?
by coconuts
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What is the cause of miscarriages?
by katnissmar
to Hannah .
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do mice or humans have a better chance of getting pregnant
by purpleflyingmonkey and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What is the largest organ in the human body?
by convictions
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Do you work by yourself or do you have a lab partner ?
by sparkle
to Hannah .
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What organ is more important the heart or the brain
by jradford
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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what is the most difficult thing about being a scientist
by mahsaaghaee
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Do you think you will ever research another topic apart from your research at the moment?
by sparkle
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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If you were a voter, who would you vote for out of all of the other scientists?
by alex
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What happens to the blood cells if some one goes blind
by patrickobrien and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What parts of your jobs don’t you like? (Not including disasters)
by jackie
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Is it possible to freeze some one in carbonite, just like in Star Wars? And will they survive it?
by charlton
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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what pyschological effects do illicit drugs have on the brain
by zeekybom10
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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If it is possible to block all your pores, or any openings in your body, would you explode?
by octagonapus
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Is it possible to eat so much that your stomach explodes?
by pommypomtom
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Can people still move and run around after being decapitated, like the famed “headless chickens”?
by pommypomtom and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Is it possible (like in star wars) to fuse someones body with fully mechanical organs, and survive, E.G. Darth Vadar?
by charlton
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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How do you think the world will end?
by cholcomb and 2 others.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What do newborn babies think and dream about? Do they have a conscience?
by jacobhunt
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
Will we ever be able to create a time machine?
by imadinosaur and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Why can’t we grow limbs or fingers back, like starfish or lizards can (some lizards do it with their tails)? Wouldn’t
by pommypomtom and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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What happens if something goes wrong with your experiment what do you do? Do you just start over again
by alicia
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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recipe for gnocchi if I ask a question: Do you feel comfortable in your office each day?
by jelly
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Is it possible to make a steak with DNA alone.
by csellar
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Is it possible to splice animal DNA so that we could use the animals as super beings and destroy our foes.
by csellar
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Has technology had a negative affect on childrens health
by purpleflyingmonkey and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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I’ve heard that there has been 2 new universes, is that true?
by dstacy122
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Can you guys give me a scientific fact
by maddierayner
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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This question may be a little irrelevant but how close are we to lightsaber technology?
by imadinosaur
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Thanks 4 the great chat. I learnt a lot. XOXOX
by bigal and 1 other.
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Is it possible to steal some DNA from fire flies so then people can glow?
by imadinosaur
to Carina, Emma, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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what is schizophrenia and autism and how do they work?
by specialprincess and 3 others.
to Emma, Carina, Hannah, Mel, Yashar .
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Do cases of schizophrenia get worse as life goes on for people living with it?
by bennymoff2012
to Emma .
Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
In the wild do animals with mental disabilities get cast out of the herd or group because they aren’t very good at
by rpullar
to Emma .
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What type of things are different in the brain of a child with autism and a child who doesnt have autism?
by coolbro
to Emma .
Comments: (So far, one comment)
Why do mice smell?
by georgia99
to Emma .
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