Question: What parts of your jobs don't you like? (Not including disasters)

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  1. As a scientist, I have to spend a lot of time writing papers and answering emails. I find the writing part of my job less enjoyable than the prac parts in the lab!

    Also, we have a lab dish washer that washed the glass we use in the lab and I don’t like packing and unpacking that (I don’t like doing it at home either!)


  2. I don’t like when people think that they’re better than others.
    Unfortunately, some people don’t grow out of this phase and are not so nice to talk/ work with.

    But you get people like this everywhere, so I deal with it.

    Oh yeah, and writing sucks!


  3. Hi Jackie,

    I think the only thing I don’t like about my job is that I don’t have enough time to do everything. I take care to plan each day’s responsibilities – ordering, preparing for experiments, running experiments, helping students, following up on requests, etc that the day ends and I feel as if I haven’t achieved much. In truth, research is very demanding and is also rewarding if you put the effort into it but it’s difficult to accomplish everything you set out to do- because you find there are always many more things that need to be done!


  4. I don’t like writing grants and not getting them. It’s very very depressing!!!!


  5. As much as I like mice, I spend a lot of time with them & not with people. At the end of the day my friends are often faced with an onslaught of conversation. I get a bit lonely.

