Question: What things can effect a women a woman's fertility?

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  1. Great question 123becca.

    The most common things to effect a woman’s fertility are how old she is, and if she is overweight.

    As you get older, your eggs are no longer as good. We think that this is because you are born with all the eggs you will ever have, and that they sit there for a very long time, so the longer you wait, the more damaged the eggs get. If you have your babies before you are 37, though, this isn’t a big deal.

    Also we know that being overweight is also very bad for the eggs, but we aren’t really sure why, yet. But we also know that losing a little bit of weight, even just 2 or 3kgs can be enough to help your fertility get back on track! Interestingly, being very skinny is also bad for your eggs, so being a “healthy” body weight is best for your eggs.

    But… it’s the same for men too. Both age and weight are bad for your eggs.

    The best thing everyone can do to have the best fertility is look after themselves!


  2. Weight, age, diet, genetics etc. Like Hannah mentioned there are a lot of factors


  3. Nicely answered Hannah and Yashar!

    Yup lots of things can affect fertility and it also affects men’s ability to reproduce too not just women!

