Question: What is university like

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  1. I liked university, because it was the first time when i really got to choose what i wanted to learn about, and there were just so many amazing options. It was so much easier to find inspiration and motivation when i could finally learn about things i was truly interested.

    It was hard though, because their weren’t teachers to check on you anymore, you had to be much more responsible and look after yourself. But that’s what adults do! ๐Ÿ˜›

    I still work in a University, so it can’t all have been bad ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. I went to university in the US, so it was very different!!! But I had a great time and learned an amazing amount, and had incredible experiences.


  3. I had fun at Uni too. I loved being able to select subjects that I was really interested in. At Uni you learn in lectures along with up to 500 people, in laboratory practical classes where you can get your hands dirty, and in smaller tutorials where you can ask questions and work in groups. I learnt about genetics in lectures and in my practical classes we bred fruit flies to contain different colour eyes and wing shapes.

    I remember in one practical class when we were isolating DNA from a tissue sample, halfway through the experiment my friend and I dropped our sample on the bench. We quickly sucked it up with a pipette before anyone else saw. At the end of the experiment, we had the most DNA — oops!

    I have a lot of really good friends from University still. I think its because we have similar interests because we met in classes that we loved. Uni is a lot of fun in general. Between lectures and classes there is time to meet friends for coffee and join in on social things later in the evening. Its just exam time that’s a bit stressful. But then afterwards you are rewarded with long long holidays in June/july and Nov/Dec/Jan. The longest holidays you will ever have!


  4. It’s a much bigger high school really. The only difference is the amount of study (it’s more!)
    I wasn’t a huge fan of university to be honest. But having said that, everyone that I know has made life-long friends from their time at Uni, and have nothing but the greatest memories.
    I also work at a Uni, and it’s interesting to see how different/ similar things are from when I graduated.
    How does the saying go?!
    “I’d love to go back and do so many things differently” ๐Ÿ˜›

