Question: What is the rare development that Michel Lotito has... you know the one that can eat metal, does that mean he can spit at metal and melt it down?

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  1. For you scientists who don’t already know, Michel Lotito was a crazy French man. When i lived in France, people were always talking about him!

    His performances involved the consumption of metal, glass, rubber and other materials. He disassembled, cut-up, and consumed bicycles, shopping carts, televisions, a Cessna 150, and other items. The Cessna 150 took roughly two years to be “eaten,” from 1978 to 1980. It is estimated that between 1959 and 1997, Lotito had eaten nearly nine tons of metal.

    Octagonapus, i dont think he has any special powers. They say that he drank a lot of oil to help him digest the parts and technically, you can digest (well, move it from your mouth to your poop) most things, but it’s VERY dangerous. Really, he just swallowed the stuff, and then pooped it out. Much like if a child ate a coin or a marble, it would come out the other end looking the same!!

    And, he didn’t live very long. Only until he was 57, so maybe all the metal took it’s toll.


  2. There are a lot of very strange people in the world….and now I know about another one!


  3. Yep, heard of similar “artists”.
    The thing is that anything that is consumed and may have sharp edges (eg. glass / metal) cannot be digested by the human body, and will just travel through your intestines until it reaches the end. The “art” is that you need to make sure to bite and chew things in a certain way so as not to cut your gums, break your teeth (which aren’t that tough!) and to make sure there is absolutely nothing sharp. But even then, as glass or alike travels through the digestive tract, there is a change that acids will make some parts sharp!
    Any piercing of the digestive tract is deadly…
    So not, no spitting metal, and no melting anything!

