Question: If you work with infections and try to find cures for them, does that mean you have to allow people to get infected? Does that mean they have a chance of dying if you cant cure them?

  1. Hi patrickobrien,
    Short answer: GOD NO! LOL
    That would be terrible of me, not to mention totally un-ethical!

    My research is so that we can help those that do get infections, so that they don’t lose their eyesight! We use animal models to look at how things work in an inflammation/ infection case. Then we can take what we learnt and use it to make drugs or other medicines to help human kind (I should mention here that if we find something that can help with eye diseases, we can easily use this to help animals with problems too – it’s not all about us, if you know what i mean!!!)

    Hope that makes sense
    Cheers 😀

