Question: Do you believe in the Froidian theory of the Id, ego and super ego? And if so do you believe those who have schizophrenia or another mental dissabilities are rulled mostly by either their Id, or super ego?

  1. I’m leaving this one to the ladies! LOL
    Any ideas guys?!


  2. Ha!!! Sooooooo not my field. Sorry. 🙂


  3. Honestly, Ruby, i ave absolutely no idea.

    All i know is that ihe id is the unorganized part of the personality, and sometimes i have trouble getting organised, and i’m kinda messy, so maybe i’m ruled by the Id.

    What do you think?
    What’s your opinion on Freud’s theories?


  4. Nope. I think its really difficult to use Freud’s theories to explain schizophrenia.

    Freud believed that schizophrenia isn’t a brain disorder, but a disturbance in the unconscious caused by unresolved feelings of homosexuality. He claimed that this illness didn’t require pharmacological or behavioural treatment. It only required “talk” therapy. Later other psychoanalysts claimed, with equal certainty and equal lack of scientific evidence, that schizophrenia is caused by smothering mothering.

    Would you treat a broken leg or diabetes with “talk” therapy or by interpreting the patient’s dreams? Most certainly not. The ideas proposed by Freud are not based on evidence and thus very difficult to interpret today.

