Question: can you melt your pupil from staring at the sun for too long?

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  1. I think it is your retina that gets damaged from the sun!

    Looking directly at the sun for even brief periods of time may cause blindness or severe damage to the eye. Solar retinopathy, damage to the eye’s retina due to solar radiation, and blindness to varying degrees and persistence frequently result from sungazing during a solar eclipse. Although vision loss due to this damage is generally reversible,[9] permanent damage and loss of vision have been reported.


  2. Love the reference in there Hannah 😛
    Your iris controls the pupil, letting in light. But if you stare at the sun, all of the light energy and radiation is in fact being focused on the back for your eye!

    Imagine taking a magnifying glass to a thin tissue!!! Similarly, the light will burn the back of the eye, and make you blind.

    So in summary, DON’T STARE AT THE SUN!!

