Question: What organ is more important the heart or the brain

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  1. That’s a tough one, jradford. You need them both, and can’t live without either one.

    And without the brain, the heart couldn’t pump, but without the heart pumping blood and oxygen to the brain, the brain couldn’t work! It’s like the chicken or the egg question! Which do you think is more important?


  2. I say brain… You can get an artificial heart or even put in a pacemaker if it’s beating irregularly.
    Without a brain, you’re toast!
    And yeah, like hannah said, without the brain the heart wouldn’t work! But then again without the heart pumping blood with oxygen and nutrients/energy to the brain, the brain would shut down…
    I still pick Brain!

    Zombies love them, so there’s got to be a reason 😀


  3. yeah…I’ll go brain. You can be kept alive without a heart and still be reasonably well. Without a brain, there’s nothing anyone can do for you.

