Question: do mice or humans have a better chance of getting pregnant

  1. That’s a very tough question to answer. We know that the same things that make it hard to have a baby as a human are similar in mice. For example, being older or being over weight make it harder to have a baby. This is the same for mice.

    Mice can have many babies at once though, and very quickly one after the other. For example, a mouse can have 15 babies, and then 21 days later, it can have another 15 babies, and so on and so on for about 2 years! That’s a lot of babies.

    It takes humans nine months to make just one baby…

    Also, mice can get pregnant every 5 days, and humans just once every 28 days….

    So I guess the answer is probably mice… What do you think?.


  2. Mice are technically more reproductive as they have shorter cycles!
    So they can have more “tries” at getting pregnant…

