Question: If someone dies and their eyes are out into someone else's body will they work properly

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  1. Hi mharris13,
    Good question. This would be a form of organ transplantation.
    It is technically possible, but not with the technology we have today. In fact it will be many years before this will be a viable option. The problems come with the the optic nerve which connects the back of your eye to your brain. There are long nerves that do this, and the pluck someone’s eye out means damaging these nerves.
    However, parts of the eye can already be transplanted individually, e.g. the cornea, with no problems. There are also prosthetic options, such as the bionic eye, which will allow people to gain some form of vision, increasing their quality of life and allowing them to do day to day things that we all take for granted!

    So to summarise, it’s not possible that an entire eye can be placed into another person head and function correctly with the current knowledge and technology. However, any and all advancements might lead to this one day being possible.
    Hope that answers your question 🙂



  1. A question back can you possibly join the nervous systems back together to someone else’s eye and if so could that be possible at all


  2. It’s possible sure. We just currently can’t do it, and I’m not aware of anyone even trying!
    Almost everything is possible mharris13. Some things are not practical or just not probable…
