I’m a Scientist is like school science lessons meet the X Factor! School students choose which scientist gets a prize of $1000 to communicate their work.
Scientists and students talk on this website. They both break down barriers, have fun and learn. But only the students get to vote.
This zone is the Organs Zone. It has scientists studying health and disease in various parts of our bodies. Who gets the prize? YOU decide!
Hi lilwayne- thanks for your question!
The digestive system is controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) which means that when we eat food, we don’t think about how it’s digested. The ANS controls the various digestive functions secretion of saliva, peristalsis and mixing movements along the digestive tract, release of important appetite hormones and digestive enzymes from glands and excretion/removal of waste as feces.
There are two groups of nerves which control the digestive system – nerves controlled by the brain and nerves within the walls of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine react when their walls are stretched by food. The nerve cells in the wall of the intestine makes up the enteric nervous system (ENS) and control the release of substances that speed up or slow down the digestion, absorption, secretion and movement of food along your digestive tract.