I’m a Scientist is like school science lessons meet the X Factor! School students choose which scientist gets a prize of $1000 to communicate their work.
Scientists and students talk on this website. They both break down barriers, have fun and learn. But only the students get to vote.
This zone is the Organs Zone. It has scientists studying health and disease in various parts of our bodies. Who gets the prize? YOU decide!
No…though I do my best to consider the environment. We plant trees at the family farm and have a veggie patch and compost food scraps. We take the train on most days, and only really use the car on weekends. I can’t seem to convince my children to turn off lights when they leave the room, but we’ll get there.
Not even close goosetheberry.
I am carbon conscious turning things off when not needed. The TV, surround system, PS3, computer and heater (in the last few months!) when their on however do consume a lot of power!
Hey goosetheberry.
Do you mean is my research carbon neutral? With most research our effort is to try and minimise waste which goes for everything.
We try to minimise the amount of electricity used to run our protocols, the papers and literature we read are often in a digital form so to avoid wasting with printing, and we only use the minimum number of experiments to obtain our results.
As for personally, it’s something that I’d like to improve more- not just with carbon but my overall footprint (right now I ham a size 8!) but would like to try and reduce the amount of waste generated and space I use.
Like the others, i try and do my bit for the environment! I am very carbon conscious and I have even bought in a recycling program in our lab.
The work i do, however, doesn’t involve me thinking too much about my carbon footprint. I do my best to take the practises from the rest of my life and implement them into the lab, like turning off lights and appliances i’m not using, though.
I like the word carbon concious! I am aiming for carbon neutral but I’m not there yet.
I am saving up to buy a block of forest land in Tasmania where I will plant trees every time I visit. In the meantime I only eat meat 2 times a week, eat as much unprocessed food as I can, ride a bike to work and on the weekends, have a bucket in my shower to water my garden and always turn off lights when I leave the room.
I am guilty of catching planes when I visit my family in Tasmania every month or so. No amount of bike riding will make up for this!
The building where I work is environmentally concious. We use green energy and recycle where ever we can.