Question: What got you interested in science? Did you want to be anything else in high school?

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  1. I wanted to be a writer in high school. Or maybe a doctor. Or a fireman (just kidding). What made me decide on science was a summer holiday program that was run by a local university. I spend four weeks with other kids that were into science, learning about lots of different kids of science. We dissected chick heart cells (did you know that each individual cell beats like a heart???), discussed chaos theory and evolution, and did ecology on the shore of the river. I was hooked on biology from that day!


  2. I got interested in science because i had an amazing teacher in year 8 and 9 science! He always made science actually fun and exciting and we were always outside testing experiments off the balcony! 🙂

    I wanted to be a chef when i was in school, also, because I absolutely love to cook. Cooking is a bit part of life in my family! I am actually thinking about auditioning for the next series of Masterchef!!

    Science and cooking are a lot alike. Both often require you to be creative, and sometimes to follow a procedure or recipe. I think it’s the similarities that draw me to both!


  3. I wanted to be a doctor / lawyer. Which kind of means I had no idea what I wanted to do, because those and a few more are the standard answers to a question that scars the crap out of people!
    What got me interested? I was good at the classes. There were parts that went over my head, but studying and working on them made me understand them after a while.

    If I can give away one piece of advice to anyone on here or anywhere for that matter, it would be see what you’re good at, and think about what you love to do, and just go out there and try it!

    Hope that helps


  4. Like Hannah I had a really cool teacher in highschool. He got us to write poetry about metals, my book was titled “Ecburt the Electron”, we learnt about projectile motion by throwing paper at a bin the centre of the room and we moved all the desks out of the room so we could form a real life electrical circuit. It was really great to learn from someone who was so passionate about the field.

    I was very interested in being a marine biologist when I was in highschool. I did my work experience at a marine discovery centre and went on boat expeditions to dredge the ocean floor and then classify all the organisms (and muck). I even spent a day shucking abalone — that was even messier. When I got to university I became more interested in the body and then the brain. It really is the most complicated thing I’ve ever learnt about.


  5. Thanks for the question!

    There were (and still are) many things I was interested in back in high school. I really enjoyed science, art, music, sports, mathematics and literature. I wanted to become a pathologist (someone who studies human disease) or a musician. I guess in some ways I still am looking to find out what I can be- most of us do.

    What got me interested in science was a curiosity about the world around me. I loved playing in the yard discovering weird insects and plants. I use to dream about going out into space and loved making things.

    What do you want to do??



  1. Thank you that was very interesting and helpful :))
