Question: Have you used a bunsen burner before? I have and it was really exciting.

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  1. I like bunsen burners too. I also like dry ice and liquid nitrogen. Why are the most dangerous things always the most fun???


  2. We use bunsen burners in the lab often!

    Did you know that the Bunsen burner was created by a guy named Robert Bunsen in the 1850’s in Germany?


  3. It’s pretty cool isn’t it.
    If you liked that, think of being able to use a multi-million dollar pieces of technology ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Only thing with that is you get worried you might break it ๐Ÿ˜›


  4. Bunsen burners are cool! Like Carina, I enjoy working with liquid nitrogen too. I use it to freeze things very quickly. Sometimes it bubbles over the top of my eski like a volcano. I always use safely gear!


  5. Hi war0012 and mitchcomrie98- thanks for the question

    Our laboratory definitely uses bunsen burners – which was fun.

    Why do you use the bunsen burner for?

