Question: do you look forward to the next day of work.

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  1. Ah. Good question. Sometimes. Sometimes not! There are days when I would much prefer to stay in bed. Or to stay home with my kids (if they’re not at school). But then there are days when I can’t wait to get into work and do exciting things. It’s a lucky person that loves their job every single day. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. I almost always look forward to coming into work! I’m working on something really exciting at the moment, so most days I’m looking forward to answering another question!

    I also get to do lots of different things in my role, sometimes I’m being a scientist at the bench, sometimes I’m talking with doctors, or mathematicians, or statisticians or teachers or students, or patients and we are even working with some physics experts right now, which is very interesting!

    Because every day can be quite different from the last, I almost always look forward to going to work! It’s great to have a job you love!

    (and this week I can’t wait to get in for I’m a Scientist – its even more fun than my usual week!)


  3. Interesting question (do you look forward to the next day of school?)

    I sometimes feel excited about getting to work the next day to run an experiment or check my results. Having said that, everyone has days when they would rather be doing something else (scientists are no different!)

    The important thing to keep in mind is to remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. If you are able to answer that question confidently and you have passion and perseverance you’re can navigate through the challenges that research and science throws you. If you’re not sure- find out what it is that makes you passionate and want to persevere- there are many options for finding personal fulfillment or satisfaction in the work we do.


  4. Recently, I have been really happy to go to work everyday. I am lucky that things are going well and I feel like I’m making progress with my work.

    I do remember when a lot of experiments were going badly and it was a struggle to even get out of bed. When I worked out why they weren’t working I felt on top of the moon!


  5. Good question tinietempah (love the rapper btw!)
    I guess it depends on how things have been going.. I’m sure there have been times where all of us just didn’t want to go to work/school! That’s completely normal!! How you get passed it is thinking about what you’ll be missing. The talks that you’ll never be a part of. The friends you won’t see etc.
    I’m teaching tomorrow from 9-1, helping university student understand and dissect lungs. So yes, I’m looking forward to that ๐Ÿ˜€

