Question: Can an eye cure itself from an infection?


  1. Over to Yashar!


  2. Yep! Yashar is the eye man! I do know that the eye has lots of ways that it protects itself from infection, though! It’s pretty amazing!!


  3. Haha, thanks ladies.

    Good question mharris13,
    Short answer: yes.

    Long answer is still yes, but not all are “cured”. Now get ready, because here comes the HOW! LOL

    Eye infections can be bacterial, viral, or fungal. You can get infections from 2 “paths”. Either internally from viruses that lay dormant in your nerves such as (freaky i know!), like herpes, or after an injury from the outside environment. People that wear contact lenses are more likely to get an infection actually. But this is when they don’t do the right thing, and not follow instructions. Some contact lenses are only meant to be worn for small periods of time, eg coloured contact lenses or normal daily contact lenses. You shouldn’t sleep with these in your eyes overnight!
    Anywho… The internal herpetic infections are handled, but can always pop up again. The external ones are often handled by the eye with minimal drama. White blood cells come into the eye, gobble up (phagocytose) the virus or infected cells, and your bodies cells start re-building any damage.

    So, to summarise. Most eye infections resolve with minimal or no treatment. Some infections are more difficult than others for your body to deal with. AND, you should see a doctor if your eyes hurt for any reason.
    Hope that makes sense ๐Ÿ˜€


  4. Wow that’s really interesting- thanks Yashar! This is a great place to learn about everyone else’s research too!


  5. Just to add to Yashar’s fantastic response. Conjunctivitis is an eye condition which is caused by a virus or bacteria. It’s relevant to you guys because the most common place to contract conjunctivitis is at school.

    It’s usually very contagious and is passed by people rubbing their itchy eye and then touching things around the classroom which are then touched by others who might absent mindedly rub their eye.

    So if you wake up in the morning with a red and swollen eye it’s important to stay home from school so you don’t infect your friends!



  1. Are there contacts that you can keep in all the time? will these slowly start an infection even though you are allowed to wear them for long periods of time


  2. Hi mharris13.
    I don’t think there are any contact lenses out there that you can wear forever (or a really really long time).
    If you’re not careful and clean when you wear your contacts you increase the chance of getting an infection. If you wear contacts for longer than intended, or wear ones that you’re not meant to at night, the contact lenses can slowly scratch your eye.
    Similar to the way your skin stops bugs and other nasty stuff getting into your body, the cornea has a top layer that acts the same way. If you scratch this layer, you’re just inviting anything that may come into contact with your eye to get it!
    Hope that helps ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. My Dad wears contacts all the time for months at a time will that have a long term affect on his eyes


  4. Hi mharris3,
    Don’t stress. Contacts these days are very flexible and also allow for gas exchange. As long as he takes care of the, cleaning them, and making sure his hands are clean, using the right solutions etc, he’ll be fine ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. Cool thank you

